More victories for the defense in Rasmea Odeh’s case June 17, 2016 Report from the Rasmea Defense Committee, led by the U.S. Palestinian Community Network and the Committee to [...]
NYC: June 10: Rally for Rasmea Odeh S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R For the people who can’t travel to Detroit, the Committee to Stop FBI [...]
Cuomo tries to quash BDS movement By Joe Catron June 8, 2016 Before marching in the annual “Celebrate Israel” parade in Manhattan on June 5, New York Gov. [...]
Israeli jailers release Palestinian hunger striker By Joe Catron May 25, 2016 Hundreds of Palestinians gathered in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron on May 20 to celebrate [...]
Palestinians speak of ‘the Catastrophe’ By Dolores Cox May 11, 2016 Two Palestinians, 86-year-old Mariam Fathalla and 23-year-old Amena El-Ashkar, speaking at an [...]
NYC – May 15: Palestine Nakba Day March Across Brooklyn Bridge for Resistance and Return Sunday, May 15 1:30 pm City Hall Park – Broadway side New York, NY On the 68th [...]
May 1, May 2, May 15 NAKBA DAY: Important Events for Palestine in NYC Important upcoming events from the NY4Palestine Coalition… IN OUR OWN WORDS: VOICES FROM THE NAKBA Date: Monday, May 2 [...]
EU-Turkey deal puts migrants at risk By Abayomi Azikiwe April 24, 2016 Thousands of migrants in Greece from the Middle East, Africa and Asia are being sent to [...]
What’s Behind Egypt’s Gift of Two Red Sea Islands to Saudi Arabia? By Abayomi Azikiwe April 22, 2016 During the week of April 11, it was revealed that the Egyptian government of President [...]
A year of U.S.-coordinated war in Yemen By Abayomi Azikiwe April 17, 2016 n March last year a coalition of Gulf states led by Saudi Arabia and supported by [...]
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