Korryn Gaines didn’t have to die! By Carl Lewis September 4, 2016 Korryn Gaines, a 23-year-old African-American woman, was shot to death on Aug. 1 by police [...]
An open letter to Colin Kaepernick from Toni Smith-Thompson, anti-Iraq war protester August 30, 2016 Toni Smith, in 2003, turning her back on U.S. flag. Toni Smith-Thompson is a former member of the [...]
Football star Colin Kaepernick sits for U.S. anthem to ‘Stand up for oppressed people’ By Monica Moorehead August 30, 2016 Wearing a shirt showing the 1960 meeting between Fidel Castro, and Malcolm X in Harlem, [...]
Atlanta police slay Black man in hail of bullets Jamarion Robinson By James Raynor August 25, 2016 Activists trying to bring to light the police killing of Jamarion Robinson [...]
Abolition Square action says: ‘Abolish police’ By Sara Flounders August 21, 2016 Abolish the police! A revolutionary concept has sprouted organically from the intense [...]
After the Black Panthers: moving forward August 18, 2016 This article was first published by the New Black August Prisoners’ Collective on Aug. 10. For more [...]
Milwaukee community in rebellion after cops gun down youth August 15, 2016 Vigil at 44th and Auer in Milwaukee, Aug. 14. Aug. 15 — As part of the ongoing international resistance [...]
Rochester, N.Y., Latina/os protest in support of Black Lives Matter By Gene Clancy August 8, 2016 ’Latinos Unidos Con Black Lives Matter’ in Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 4. Rochester, N.Y. — On [...]
Occupations amp up Black Lives Matter struggle By Minnie Bruce Pratt August 9, 2016 Activists with Millions March NYC began an occupation of New York City Hall Park the [...]
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