Anti-racist activists win case in North Carolina court By LeiLani Dowell August 8, 2019 Anti-racists won a victory Aug. 2 against suppression of their protest when a judge [...]
Eric Garner case and the ruling class police By Monica Moorehead August 8, 2019 Five years ago a racist white cop, Daniel Pantaleo, put an unarmed Black man, Eric [...]
Stop a Modern Day Lynching – Don’t let PA DOC Murder MOVE Member Delbert Africa Press release from the MOVE Organization: Stop a Modern Day Lynching – Don’t let PA DOC Murder MOVE Member Delbert [...]
Texas WWP statement condemns mass murder August 6, 2019 The Texas branch of Workers World Party condemns, in the strongest terms, the mass murder in El Paso and the [...]
Mueller and wishful thinking August 4, 2019 Anyone who clung to the illusion that Robert Mueller’s July 22 testimony before the House Judiciary and [...]
ACT NOW to save Mumia’s eyesight and to demand his release! June 26, 2019 Sign the following petition at Mumia’s vision has rapidly deteriorated. It has been [...]
Black, Muslim, freedom fighter: Free Imam Jamil Al-Amin! By Dianne Mathiowetz August 1, 2019 July 26 — The CNN Center was the site of a rally for the imprisoned freedom fighter, [...]
Defend righteous rebellions against racist NYPD! Drop all charges! No more arrests and roundups! July 30, 2019 The New York Police Department is using instances of justified rebellious actions as an excuse to mount a [...]
Prison officials turn away thousands of petitions for Mumia By Joe Piette July 30, 2019 Dozens of community activists traveled hundreds of miles from four states to Mechanicsburg, [...]
Food security vs. ‘border security’ July 30, 2019 As the whole world knows by now, Trump has launched major racist attacks on four congress members known as the [...]
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