Revolutionaries worldwide comment on U.S. elections November 10, 2020 The following are brief excerpts from a small sample of commentaries on the U.S. elections written by [...]
Black vote dumps Trump By Monica Moorehead November 9, 2020 Once it was confirmed on Nov. 7 that the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ticket had [...]
Thur. Nov 12: What Now? WWP Online Discussion Thursday, November 12 8pm ET/5pm PT Register for the Online Discussion! Share on FB The 2020 presidential election [...]
No voter suppression! The struggle has just begun November 6, 2020 As of this writing (Nov. 6) it appears that Joe Biden has won the U.S. presidential election. Ballots are [...]
Webinar: Revolutionary Election Response – Nov. 5 Thursday at 8 PM EST Register: Join Workers World [...]
No matter the election outcome, only fightback will stop racism, police terror By Monica Moorehead November 2, 2020 Nov. 2 – CNN reports that a record 95 million-plus voters have already cast their [...]
Election Defenders: call to action October 8, 2020 With the stakes being as high as they are, voter suppression already more rampant than ever, and the [...]
Beyond the election: CLASS STRUGGLE By John Catalinotto October 27, 2020 What makes this Nov. 3 U.S. election unique is that it has become an arena for class [...]
‘A simultaneous struggle in the whole of this hemisphere’ October 28, 2020 MAS supporters of President Evo Morales. By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein Workers World received this [...]
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