Racism, sexism, Islamophobia — and double standards for cuss words By Martha Grevatt January 9, 2019 Congressperson Rashida Tlaib made history Jan. 2 when she proudly took the oath of office [...]
Title IX regulations, Part 2: Narrow new rules and racial bias By Sue Davis December 20, 2018 Bulletin: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is preparing to remove civil rights protections [...]
Why Cyntoia Brown deserves our support By Monica Moorehead December 12, 2018 Cyntoia Brown, a 30-year-old African-American woman, has been imprisoned since the age [...]
George H.W. Bush: assassin and criminal December 5, 2018 Every national politician, from top Republicans to Bernie Sanders, and every sector of the corporate [...]
No to DeVos’ proposed Title IX regulations! By Sue Davis November 30, 2018 U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos ran a touchdown Nov. 16 for her [...]
White House wages war on reproductive justice By Sue Davis November 12, 2018 Women’s Fightback Network activists joined a pro-choice march to Planned Parenthood in [...]
‘Time’s Up, Google!’ as tech workers walk out in global rolling strike By Kathy Durkin November 6, 2018 Google workers in New York walked out Nov. 1 in their moment in a historic global strike. [...]
Kavanaugh nomination exposes ruling-class crisis By Sue Davis October 2, 2018 Protesters stormed Capitol Hill. Oct. 1 — The Sept. 27 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing [...]
Liar Kavanaugh has got to go! By Sue Davis September 25, 2018 Some 120 people were arrested at Hart Senate building protesting Brett Kavanaugh. Sept. [...]
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