February 14, 2023
By National Lawyers Guild International Committee
Caracas, Venezuela. ‘Free Alex Saab.’
Join the National Lawyers Guild International Committee Thursday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. EST (4 p.m. PST) for a webinar on the case of Alex Saab, the Venezuelan diplomat currently imprisoned in a U.S. federal detention center. Saab faces charges that are directly related to defiance of the U.S. attempt to impose regime change on Venezuela through the use of illegitimate, unilateral, coercive measures (sanctions).
Recently, a delegation of two NLG and International Association of Democratic Lawyers members visited Alex Saab in the Federal Detention Center in Miami.
At the Feb. 16 webinar, they will discuss Saab’s case, his role as a political prisoner in the United States, the connection of the case to U.S. sanctions and the ongoing gag order silencing Saab and his attorneys.
Hear from the delegation members: Suzanne Adely, National Lawyers Guild President and Bureau Member of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and Audrey Bomse, longtime National Lawyers Guild International Committee member and Mass Incarceration Committee co-chair.
Register online to join: bit.ly/alexsaabnlg.