Trump lied: U.S. to end legal protection of Haitian migrants By G. Dunkel November 27, 2017 Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Elaine Duke announced on Nov. 20 that [...]
In the Mueller vs. Trump fight, an independent, working-class struggle is needed By Fred Goldstein December 4, 2017 Robert Mueller and Donald Trump It is harmful to the masses to let a faction of the [...]
Boston cop’s transphobic rant at potential juror subverted justice for Sam Smith December 7, 2017 Boston — A struggle is building to win a new trial to free Sam Smith of Roxbury, Mass., a Black man who [...]
Steinle verdict: Bigots call for sanctuary cities boycott By Terri Kay December 7, 2017 San Francisco — Furious, threatening tweets by #45. These were the president’s response to [...]
Serious questions after notorious Philly DA appointed By Joseph Piette December 7, 2017 Demonstrations earlier this year call for freeing Mumia Abu-Jamal. Longtime Philadelphia [...]
NYC: Fri. Dec. 8; Tell Trump: Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine! Tell Donald Trump: Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine! Rally and March Friday, Dec. 8 Rally Times Square @ 4:30 [...]
‘We will protest until oppression ends’ By Moonanum James December 5, 2017 Elder Bert Waters reading Leonard Peltier’s statement at the 2017 National Day of [...]
Behind the unthinkable December 5, 2017 F-22 Raptor stealth fighters. A potential crime of historic proportions is being openly discussed and [...]
Hondurans fill streets, resist electoral fraud By Martha Grevatt December 4, 2017 Dec. 4 — Amid substantial allegations of mass electoral fraud, the Honduran government [...]
Net Neutrality to be given away to cable monopolies By Gary Wilson December 4, 2017 Not every move by the Trump administration is done with a Twitter shoutout. Quietly on Nov. [...]
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