Fracking Colorado, part 2: Impact on environment and people By Viviana Weinstein June 29, 2017 Fracking Colorado, part 1: Impact on environment and people Fracking Colorado, Part 3: [...]
Protests continue over attempts to repeal ACA By John Catalinotto July 6, 2017 Supporters of single -payer health care march in Kingston, N.Y., on June 30. Grass-roots [...]
Battle-tested people with disabilities fight for rights By Edward Yudelovich July 5, 2017 Denver ADAPT activists after release from jail. July is widely celebrated as Disability [...]
Where is this city — do you know? By Deirdre Griswold July 5, 2017 This beautiful city is Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [...]
Pentagon threatens wider war on Syria By Sara Flounders July 5, 2017 Syria, after six years of U.S.-manufactured war. As the danger of a major conflagration in [...]
U.S. vet fights for Donetsk People’s Republic By Mike Kuhlenbeck June 18, 2017 Children of families resisting fascist attacks in Donetsk with U.S. volunteer Russell [...]
Philadelphia: July 7: Invitation – Rally & March to Free Mumia Rally & March to Free Mumia Friday, July 7 @ 12 pm Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia, [...]
Haitian workers strike for $12.50 a day By G. Dunkel July 2, 2017 Haitian textile workers on strike for higher wages, better working conditions, access to social [...]
NYC – June 29: FORUM & FILM SHOWING: “PRIDE” S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R Thurs. June 29 @ 7 pm Forum & Film Showing: PRIDEThe miners struggle in the UK [...]
Friends and family protest Seattle cops’ killing of mother of three By Jim McMahan June 28, 2017 Charleena Lyles Two days after the June 16 acquittal of the cop who murdered Philando Castile [...]
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