Trump and Somalia December 7, 2020 The outgoing president took another deceptive public step on Dec. 2: He ordered the remaining 700 U.S. [...]
Palestine Writes: A labor of love Originally scheduled to take place in New York City this March, but canceled due to the pandemic, the Palestine Writes [...]
China replacing U.S. as world’s leading scientific power By Joshua Hanks December 7, 2020 The first day of December saw two major scientific events: the Arecibo observatory in [...]
Truth Above Tyranny: The Legacy of Mumia Abu-Jamal Press Conference and Book Release – Wednesday, December 9th 11am ET/8am PT Wednesday, December 9th 11am ET/8am PT Truth Above Tyranny: The Legacy of Mumia Abu-Jamal Press Conference and Book Release [...]
Solidarity with Incarcerated Workers! PSC Webinar 12/10 @ 8PM EST / 7PM CST / 5PM PST Join The Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party this Thursday as we discuss building solidarity with [...]
China Is Not Our Enemy with Sara Flounders & Jodie Evans – THURSDAY 5pm PT / 8pm ET Join us for a special conversation with Sara Flounders, anti-war activist and author. She and CODEPINK co-founder, Jodie [...]
Amazon is censoring: We need your help to distribute this book! November 17, 2020 “Capitalism on a Ventilator” is a new anthology comparing the effective Chinese response to COVID-19 [...]
Spain’s State of Emergency for COVID-19 imposes social control at the gates of a cataclysm December 4, 2020 By Ángeles Maestro The author of this commentary is a leader of the organization Red Roja (Red Network) in [...]
Half a million march in France against police violence, racism By G. Dunkel December 4, 2020 In an explosion of anger and political rejection, 200,000 people marched in Paris Nov. 28 [...]
U.S. role in assassination of Iranian scientist By Sara Flounders November 30, 2020 The targeted assassination of top Iranian physicist and nuclear scientist Mohsen [...]
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