Haiti: Kenyan intervention delayed; conflict grows over border canal By G. Dunkel November 9, 2023 A month ago, it looked like U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had muscled an African [...]
Venezuela: Negotiations real and apparent By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein November 6, 2023 Nov. 1. The spectacle staged by the United States and its NATO ally Norway [...]
Israel and the Dominican Republic: A tale of two fences made vulnerable by arrogance October 22, 2023 By Narciso Isa Conde Narciso Isa Conde is a Marxist political analyst, writer and political leader in the [...]
‘We denounce the U.N. Security Council’s approval to send a Kenya-led mission to Haiti’ October 16, 2023 Black Alliance for Peace released this statement Oct. 8. We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the decision [...]
Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti By Steve Gillis October 5, 2023 Boston Fanmi Lavalas of Boston responded to the deepening humanitarian and political crises [...]
Voices grow louder: ‘Free Julian Assange!’ By Otis Grotewohl October 5, 2023 Australian journalist Julian Assange continues to face threats of extradition from U.S. [...]
Make the firebombs boomerang: Take Cuba off ‘terrorist’ list! October 4, 2023 It’s already out of the headlines. But its message still holds. We’re discussing the incendiary devices [...]
Cash, cars and gold bars — and the crooks who slander Cuba September 27, 2023 Senator Bob Menendez, in the news recently, is nothing but a front man for the Cuban right-wing [...]
‘Wuthering Heights’ at four summits By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein September 29, 2023 A Venezuelan international relations expert, Rodriguez Gelfenstein was [...]
Statement of the House of Latin America (HOLA) on the terrorist act against Cuban embassy in Washington Hours after more than thousand of people gathered in a meeting in New York city – with the presence of the Cuban [...]
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