U.S. imperialism means we can’t breathe! Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere released this statement on July 5. Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees [...]
Queer Liberation March attacked by police in New York City July 1, 2020 Police attack Queer Liberation March, June 28, NYC. New York City, June 28. By Quell Nessuno New York City [...]
Supreme Court rulings: Mass fightback and solidarity win concessions By Minnie Bruce Pratt June 26, 2020 This is a slightly edited version of a talk given on a June 25 Workers World Party [...]
Thur. June 25: Pride webinar! LGBTQ2S+ & the Black Lives Matter Movement Pride Webinar this Thursday: Thursday, June 25 8pm ET/5pm PT Click Here to Register Share on FB The LGBTQ2S+ [...]
Coast to coast, marchers declare: ‘Black trans lives matter!’ By Martha Grevatt June 23, 2020 Cleveland, June 20. Riah Melton, a Black trans woman murdered in Liberty Township, Ohio, [...]
Stonewall means unite to fight back June 16, 2020 The reactionary rulers of the U.S. are attempting to discourage, divide and defeat poor, oppressed and working [...]
Black Lives Matter solidarity: No Pride without justice! By Minnie Bruce Pratt June 9, 2020 Fifty-one years ago cops assaulted and arrested LGBTQ2+ people — mostly Black and [...]
Larry Kramer, 1935-2020: An appreciation By Shelley Ettinger June 1, 2020 I joined ACT-UP/NY soon after it formed, in the spring of 1987. Thirty-three years later, [...]
Trump v. birth control case heard by Supreme Court By Sue Davis May 13, 2020 A March 2016 demonstration in support of birth control coverage in the Affordable Care Act in [...]
U.S. is a prison house of oppressed peoples By Monica Moorehead April 28, 2020 Mass incarceration is nothing new to the U.S. This brutal policy of social control of [...]
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