Delegation from Philadelphia makes #Big Push for Puerto Rico By Betsey Piette December 24, 2017 A delegation from Philadelphia that included members of the International Action Center, [...]
Puerto Ricans fight to reopen schools By Berta Joubert-Ceci November 14, 2017 Puerto Rican kids demand the reopening of their schools. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Nov. [...]
Puerto Rico faces genocide By Berta Joubert-Ceci October 17, 2017 What is happening now in Puerto Rico can only be described as genocide — plain and [...]
Solidarity and Aid for the People of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean NOW MORE THAN EVER Solidarity & Aid for the People of Puerto Rico Stand With All the People of the Caribbean [...]
After hurricane destruction: ‘Cancel Puerto Rico’s unjust debt!’ By Jill White October 10, 2017 U.S. banks and financial institutions have strangled Puerto Rico’s economy. Here, protest [...]
PUERTO RICO: Second Yankee invasion? / PUERTO RICO: ¿Segunda invasión gringa? By Berta Joubert-Ceci October 4, 2017 PUERTO RICO: ¿Segunda invasión gringa? Oct. 2 — A year after the United States [...]
NYC: Oct 7: Aid for Puerto Rico! Not U.S. Wars Afghanistan to Korea! Saturday, OCT 7th Join the Rally To Resist War and Racism At Home and Abroad 1pm Rally at 34th St & 6th Ave A united [...]
NYC: Tues. Oct. 3: Protest for Puerto Rico @ Trump Towers S O L I D A R I T Y C E N T E R All out to Trump Towers for Puerto Rico! Tuesday, OCT 3 at 5:30 pm – 7 pm 725 5th [...]
NYC Emergency Rally for Puerto Rico: Thurs., Sept. 28 6 PM 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278 IN MANHATTAN: Broadway and Worth Street. 4,5,6 trains to Brooklyn Br/City Hall J and Z [...]
Banks keep Puerto Rico in the dark By Jerry Goldberg September 26, 2017 Since 2007 approximately 75 percent of the $9 billion to $11 billion in bonds issued by [...]
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